Frontend Web Developer in London

Next available 1/1/2024

What I do

Hi my name is Aaron and I'm a full-stack/front-end web developer/software engineer. I am available tp work on projects in; London, the Midlands and abroad (+/- 3 hours GMT/UTC).

My specialist frontend/user-focused skills include: HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, responsive web design, progressive mobile web development, UX design, UX research and more.

My fullstack skills include: Python, NodeJS/TypeScript, databases (SQL/NoSQL), CI/CD, API development, and more.

Contact me

Feel free to get in touch with me to discuss any possible future projects.

I am particularly interested in working on projects that make an innovative use of technology, this includes: IoT, machine-learning, blockchain, government, digital transformation and sustainable development.

responsive web design View my work